Lag behind v. 落后to fail to keep pace with others; to develop more slowly than others.那小男孩儿不久就走不动了,远远落在其他人后面。The small boy soon became tired and lagged behind the rest of the walkers.*Why is this country lagging behind in the development of space technology?为什么这个国家在发展太空技术方面落后了呢?那么,除了[Lag behind],我们还可以怎么表达呢?
Why they fell so far behind may be more of a mystery than why they are currently flourishing.*两国当下为何这么繁荣是个谜,但是两国当初何以那么落后却是一个更大的谜。如果没有开始和结束日期,则无法确定团队是提前还是落后于计划的工作。Without start and end dates it cannot determined if a team is ahead or behind its scheduled work.**翻译例句仅供参考